5 Ways to Create a Marketing Video That Will Go Viral

· 5 min read
5 Ways to Create a Marketing Video That Will Go Viral

When you search for anything on Youtube, you'll soon see the thumbnails of the videos at the top of the search results. You don't necessarily need to watch the videos to see them, as you can download the  thumbnail youtube downloader  from the site. In this article, we will discuss how to download YouTube thumbnails efficiently and accurately so you can use them to promote your videos.

The Differences In Resolutions

The thumbnail images on Youtube can be of varying sizes, so be sure to check the resolution of the images you're downloading before doing so. The general rule of thumb is to choose a resolution that is closest to the resolution of your video, otherwise the image quality will be lower than you intended and the file size will be too large. When choosing the resolution, you also need to take into consideration the size of your video's display area. The reason why this is important is that the thumbnail image is going to be displayed on a screen of some sort, be it a TV, smartphone, tablet, or computer monitor.

Resolution And Contract

The resolution of the thumbnail is also going to determine how well it displays. The higher the resolution, the clearer and more detailed the image will be. 1080p is usually the highest quality offered by Youtube, which is 1920 pixels wide by 1080 pixels high. This makes the image clear and detailed enough to see every little detail, however, if your screen is smaller than 1080p, you may want to choose a lower resolution for the image.

Image Credit

The image credit is basically the value or reputation of an individual or organization that created the image. If you're downloading the thumbnail image of a band, you'll most likely see their name or logo at the bottom of the image. Sometimes the image credit doesn't appear at all, which can be a bit confusing. Be sure to check the information on the site before deciding which button to click.

How Many Times Have You Seen This?

Once you've successfully downloaded the thumbnail, you'll see a small video player in the upper right corner of your screen. This is the video player that Youtube uses to display videos. If you've watched a few videos on Youtube, you may have seen this player before. It usually appears once the video has finished loading and before the video starts playing. You can hit the button at the bottom to hide this player altogether or click the button at the top to bring it back. When this player first appears, there will be a number of small video players like this along the top of your screen. This is because Youtube uses a feature called 'playlists' to organize its videos. When a user clicks on a video in their playlists, that specific video will play and a small video player will appear along the top of the screen.

The playlists on Youtube are used to organize videos into themed collections. For example, there is a playlist called 'Music Videos by UK Artists' and another called 'Viral Hits of 2019.' When a user creates a playlist, they can add any number of videos from various categories such as music, comedy, or science and technology and they can group all the videos they add to a playlist by year. So if you add multiple videos from the same artist in different years, they'll all be placed together in a playlist with the respective year listed in the name. Playlists can have any number of videos in them and they can be accessed from any other video by clicking the small arrow next to 'playlists' in the top right corner of the screen. Alternatively, you can click the magnifying glass to search for playlists by keyword.

How Does Youtube Generate The Thumbnails?

YouTube thumbnails are automatically generated from the videos when you upload them to the site. When you upload a new video, you'll see a notification appear at the top of the screen to the right. Below the notification is a number showing the current amount of views the video has received. If you scroll down a bit, you'll see a thumbnail of the video at the top of the list. You can click the thumbnail to visit the site directly or you can click the button next to it to hide the video and visit the site directly from the thumbnail. When you're on the site, you can click the button at the top to bring up the video player or visit directly from the slideshow of thumbnails using the button at the bottom.

How Many Images Does Youtube Use?

Like other website galleries, Youtube uses a standard set of thumbnail images for the results of any given search. However, each video on Youtube is able to choose their own thumbnail image, so this is not limited to the set ones. This is something you should keep in mind when deciding how many images you need for your design. It is possible to have more than one thumbnail image per video, but most companies using video for marketing purposes will go ahead and create one standard image for the site.

What Is The Process?

Once you've downloaded the thumbnail from Youtube, you need to save it in a suitable format for use in the future. For the purposes of this article, we're assuming you already know what kind of file format to use for your design or app.

The most common file formats for use in websites and apps are.jpg,.jpeg,.png, and.gif. If you've used another program to create your video or if you've edited your video with software such as Premiere or Final Cut Pro, you may have already seen this icon at the top of the screen. If so, click it to save the file in your computer's native folder.

For our purposes, let's assume you've opened up a.jpg or.jpeg file. You now need to crop the thumbnail to make it fit the space you have available for it. For instance, if you've chosen a 1920 pixels wide by 1080 pixels high resolution, you may want to crop the image so that it's 800 pixels wide by 540 pixels high, or thereabouts. Remember, the smaller the crop area, the higher the quality of the image. Once you've cropped the image, you can set the compression quality to High if you're using a.jpg or.jpeg file to be sure of the best quality possible. Otherwise, you can leave the setting at its default value of 95% if you're using a.png or.gif file.

Now that you've saved your cropped thumbnail, you can add it to your design using a tool like Photoshop or Sketch and you're good to go. Remember to replace the.jpg or.jpeg file with the newly cropped thumbnail image once you've added it to your design. Otherwise, your design may look a bit off when the video plays.

What About Bitrate?

The bitrate of an image is basically how much data the image contains. The more bits, the better. The bitrate of an image determines how many times the image can be compressed (known as 'compressing' the image) without losing quality. You can have up to 500MB for free under the typical YouTube allowance, however, if you want to save images in higher bitrates, you'll have to spend money. The bitrate of a JPEG file ranges from 0 to 100, with 100 being the highest quality. Videos uploaded by YouTube users in 60 fps or faster can utilize the full 100 Mb/s, while other users are limited to the 98 Mb/s allowed under standard YouTube bandwidth conditions. If you're unsure of what bitrate to choose, err on the side of caution and choose the lowest setting possible. If you have the money, you may want to opt for a higher bitrate anyway for the best possible image quality.

Further Reading

If you'd like to learn more about designing for the internet, check out the book Web Design For Dummies. Also be sure to read the article titled 5 Ways to Create a Marketing Video That Will Go Viral by applying the same concepts discussed in this article to help you create a viral marketing video.